في حين أن الدرجات الأكاديمية قد تكون معقدة ، لا يلزم أن يكون برنامجك كذلك.

يمكن للمؤسسات التعليمية والمدارس الحديثة استخدام برنامج A1ERP. من خلال واجهة تفاعلية مبنية على نظامنا الأساسي ، يمكن للمدارس من أي حجم إدارة الطلاب والمدرسين والدورات والبرامج الأكاديمية بمجرد إخراجها من الصندوق.

للمؤسسات التعليميةA1ERP

يبدو مستقبل التعليم مشرقاً مع مساعي الحكومة الأخيرة لإعطاء التعليمات في كل جزء من العالم. يتطلع الجميع إلى حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات للشركات من الجيل التالي بسبب المنافسة المتزايدة بين الشركات والمؤسسات التعليمية. زيادة الإنتاج ، وميز نفسك عن المنافسة ، وركز على الأكاديميين. يمكنك الاحتفاظ بجميع بياناتك المهمة في نظام واحد متكامل بمساعدة حل A1ERP لإدارة معلومات الطلاب ومعلومات الموظفين والإنفاق.

A1ERP For Educational Institutions

Applicant Students

All of your program applications may be managed in one location. You can make a Student Applicant record after a student submits an application to your program. If you give the student your approval, you may add him or her to your student master and start sending emails to them through A1ERP.

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Applicant Students
Students' Information

Students' Information

The Student doctype preserves information such as contact information, a picture, date of birth, and an address. It also lists any siblings and the student's legal guardian. Additionally, you may upload documents like a student's headshot, diplomas, and more!

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Storage for Documents

It's essential that everyone can locate and access key papers for each kid given the abundance of external paperwork in education. You may upload and distribute multimedia files with A1ERP (such as images, videos, and documents). You have the option of directly uploading the files or using a web link.

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Storage for Documents


You may construct a course schedule in A1ERP and associate it with the relevant teacher and students. This schedule can include class dates and room numbers. You can include a teacher as the examiner or the supervisor for that assessment when generating the assessment plan for a group of students.

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التسجيل في البرنامج

يُعرف سجل تسجيل الطالب والدورات التي تم اختيارها لسنة دراسية محددة و (اختياريًا) الفصل الدراسي باسم التسجيل في البرنامج. يمكنك إنشاء برنامج تسجيل للطالب إذا كان مسجلاً حاليًا في هذا البرنامج. سيقوم جدول الدورات المسجلة للطالب تلقائيًا بملء مقررات البرنامج المطلوبة ، بينما يمكن اختيار الدورات الاختيارية أو الاختيارية يدويًا.

Program Enrollment
Courses & Programs

Courses & Programs

Setting up your own educational programs, or the learning progression for each topic at all levels of formal education is simple with A1ERP. A program may contain electives or courses; it may even make some courses mandatory. You may link every software to its department by entering a special code for each one.

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Attendance of Students

You may track and manage each student's attendance with our Attendance doctype at any time, every day. The Attendance module was created to make it simple for teachers to record student attendance in class. The Student Attendance Tool enables teachers to quickly mark students' attendance using straightforward checkboxes, and the system automatically generates the necessary attendance records in the background. It makes managing attendance easier.

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Attendance of Students
Students' fees.

Students' fees.

Keep track of the money that was taken from students in fees. The Fee Structure must be established prior to collecting fees. It may cover a range of topics, including lodging, industry visits, and classroom instruction. This framework is based on the academic period and chosen program. The Charge module will contain information on the student as well as a thorough fee schedule. There, you may also learn how much has been paid out and how much is still owed.

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Assessment Plan

For a particular course, do you need to plan an evaluation or test for a group of students? Make an assessment plan instead. You may record information like student groups, grade scales, assessment standards, examiners, supervisors, and more with this doctype! Create your assessment plans in A1ERP, and then use our Assessment Result Tool to effortlessly create the results.

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Assessment Plan

(LMS) نظام إدارة التعلم

تأتي وحدة التعليم في A1ERP مضمنة في نظام إدارة التعلم (LMS). يتيح ذلك للمؤسسات تقديم معلومات حول برامجها على موقعها على الويب. قد تتضمن البرامج أفلامًا ومسابقات ومقالات ذات محتوى ثري. يسمح لك كل من المكتب والبوابة بمراقبة تقدم الطالب. قد يتم تنشيط LMS من إعدادات التعليم حتى إذا تم تعطيله افتراضيًا.

Learning Management System (LMS)

On-the-Fly Customizations

We can develop your own educational software. By including custom fields in your forms, we can map the data that matters to you. Then, without writing a single line of code, modify form behavior by auto-fetching values, hiding fields based on user roles, and developing unique print formats.

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On-the-Fly Customizations
Multilingual Open Source Education Software

Multilingual Open Source Education Software

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Implementation & Self-Onboarding.

The world's first smart, A1ERP, has all the resources you need to excel. With superb documentation and video lessons that enable a zero-touch, incredibly quick ERP deployment, transform your business.

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Implementation & Self-Onboarding.

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