الحديث(ERP)عزز مبيعات سلسلة السوبر ماركت باستخدام نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات

استخدم نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات (ERP) مفتوح المصدر وقابل للتكوين بالكامل لإدارة المخزون والفواتير ومسح الباركود والمخزونات وسلسلة التوريد.

كل ما تحتاجه للسوبر ماركت الخاص بك

نظرًا لأن العديد من السلع في محلات السوبر ماركت قابلة للتلف ولها مدة صلاحية قصيرة ، فإن معلومات الفواتير والمخزون الصحيحة أمر بالغ الأهمية. سوف تتأثر المبيعات إذا لم يكن لديك مخزون كافٍ من الأشياء التي يتم بيعها بسرعة ، والعكس صحيح. لمنع إعادة ترتيب الأشياء أو تكدسها ، يجب إدارة المخزون والمخزون بشكل صحيح.

Item Groups

Item Groups

Item groups are used by A1ERP to categories objects according to kinds. For instance, you may add a computer to the "Computers & Desktops" item group. This is useful for determining which products are the most lucrative by looking at the profit-loss report, sales register, and purchase register.

Items and Prices

The selling and purchasing rates of an object can be recorded in an item price. Set your product pricing in accordance with the various price lists. These pricing lists may also include multiple currencies! You simply need to choose the "Price List" to have the item price automatically obtained throughout the sales or buy transaction.

Items and Prices
Item Variations

Item Variations

Thousands of product combinations in various colors, finishes, forms, and lengths must be managed by supermarkets. Each of the variants is recorded as an item variant in A1ERP, whereas the original item is stored as an item template.


There is no need to connect additional barcode scanners. You may begin scanning product barcodes using A1ERP and your device's camera. This not only facilitates item searches but also reveals the hierarchy of your things, assisting you in making better data-driven business decisions. Better still, there is no need to invest in expensive external scanners.

Serialized Stocks

Serialized Stocks

An electrical device or appliance is incomplete without a serial number. You may control serial numbers and automate their production depending on your preset series using A1ERP's serialized inventory. Additionally, you may check the stock levels at various locations, active transfers, upcoming receipts, and delivered goods in real-time. Use the serial number or item barcode to scan the products.

Batching Inventory

Transfer or divide batches across several warehouses. The Batch master will be useful if you make food in batches to keep track of manufacturing dates, expiration dates, and other information. With one-click setups, bulk generation may even be swiftly automated.

Batching Inventory
Promotional Plans

Promotional Plans

Discounts are easy with A1ERP. With the use of promotional plans, you may control item discounts (based on rate or fixed pricing) for various retail groups or branches. Promotional plans will immediately alter the relevant price regulations.

Multi-Store Administration

With only a few clicks, you can quickly register additional company branches and get business going! To determine your total profitability, you may customize the dimensions for each branch and examine your costs, stock movements, earnings, and losses. The accounting module of A1ERP makes it simple to view profit/loss and income statements for individual stores.

Multi-Store Administration

Point of Sale

Maintaining a POS counter is crucial for billing transactions as a grocer. User-friendly, incredibly adaptable, and completely connected with inventory for in-the-moment stock control, A1ERP is a great choice. It functions flawlessly, enabling you to give your consumers the ideal experience.

Point of Sale

Adjustable Print Formats

You can easily alter the appearance and feel of your invoices with A1ERP's Print Format Builder. Add your firm address, use your brand logos, and/or insert photos or terms and conditions. You won't need to worry about it again after you set it up and save as the default!

Adjustable Print Formats
Cashier Closing Voucher

Cashier Closing Voucher

At the retail counter, your POS may be used throughout the day by several different persons. Cashiers can record the sales and other information at the conclusion of their shift using cashier closing vouchers. The cash may then be gathered and totaled by a management or accountant, who can then swiftly update the corporate ledgers.

Real-Time Inventory Levels

With a real-time inventory view, avoid hurried stock trades. You may divide or shift the stock at your warehouses with only a click of a button while using the Stock Summary report, in addition to seeing its amounts! View the progress of warehouse depletion and instantly change inventory levels. The back-end will automatically construct a stock transfer entry. That much is obvious.

Real-Time Inventory Levels

رصيد المخزون السريع

تحقق بسهولة من مستويات المخزون في كل فرع. يمكنك استخدام أداة Quick Stock Balance لمعرفة مقدار العنصر الموجود الآن في المخزون ومكانه وفي أي تاريخ. يمكن استخدام الأداة لأخذ المخزون (تدقيقات المخزون) لمقارنة كمية البضائع الموجودة بالفعل في المتاجر مع تلك التي تم تسجيلها في النظام.

Quick Stock Balance
Expiration Management

Expiration Management

Make sure that the food in your grocery is fresh. You may examine your items' expiry status based on their warehouse location using the Batch Expiration report. Perishable item updates are also provided in real-time in this report, allowing you to sell or reorder them at the ideal moment.

Automated Stock Refilling

Keep tabs on an item's reorder level to avoid stock-outs. A1ERP will automatically generate a material request if the stock level falls below the reorder threshold. This lessens the likelihood of stock exhaustion and helps you restock inventory at the ideal moment.

Automated Stock Refilling
Item-Wise Recommended Reorder Report

Item-Wise Recommended Reorder Report

You can reorganize items according to the advice in this report. Only lead time and safety stock need to be kept in the item master. The amount of each product you should repurchase will then be determined by A1ERP using product transactions.

Quality Inspection

Utilize quality controls at all points where food comes into contact to avoid legal issues. Utilize the integrated, editable Quality Inspection Templates to guarantee flawless quality. A1ERP won't permit the delivery or acceptance of new food until the inspection is finished. By doing this, you can be sure that you won't skimp on the quality of the meals you serve to your clients.

Quality Inspection
Acquisition and Loyalty Program for Customers

Acquisition and Loyalty Program for Customers

In no time, manage your consumers better. Setting up reward programs and unique pricing plans just takes a few minutes. To make wise company decisions, you may then monitor credit limits, check receivables and total billing, and assess average client revenue.

On-the-Fly Customizations

For your supermarkets, create the ideal ERP. By including custom fields in your forms, you may map your most crucial data. Create unique print formats, hide fields based on user roles, and alter form behavior all without writing a single line of code.

On-the-Fly Customizations
ERP for a multilingual supermarket

ERP for a multilingual supermarket

Over 100 different languages are supported by A1ERP. Localization boost self-assurance and make users feel welcomed.

Self-Onboarding and Implementation

The world's first smart, A1ERP, has all tool you require to flourish in retail. With superb documentation and video lessons that enable a zero-touch, incredibly quick ERP deployment, transform your business.

Self-Onboarding and Implementation