أعد اختراع المبيعات وسلسلة التوريد باستخدام أداة البيع والشراء

يتم تعقب مستويات المخزون ، وتجديد المخزون ، وتتم إدارة أوامر المبيعات والعملاء والموردين والشحنات والتسليمات واستيفاء الطلبات في نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات للبيع والشراء واحد.

عرض في الوقت الفعلي لمبيعاتك ومشترياتك

جميع بيانات المبيعات والمشتريات الرئيسية. توفر لوحات المعلومات لقطة سريعة لبيانات الأداء الأساسية المتعلقة بالعمليات التجارية. باستخدام أبعاد المحاسبة القابلة للتكوين ولوحات المعلومات المخصصة ، يمكنك أخيرًا تقييم جميع جوانب مؤسستك في مكان واحد. A1ERP تمركز

Real-Time View Of Your Sales & Purchases
Item Variants

Item Variants

Businesses have to manage thousands of product permutations in different colors, finishes, shapes, and sizes. In A1ERP, the primary item is stored as an item template, and each of the variations is stored as an item variant.

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Track Serial Numbers

A1ERP Serialized Inventory feature comes in handy for maintaining a real-time view of product availability and stock across locations. You can even use a serial number to track the whole lifecycle of an item — from its procurement or manufacture to sale and delivery. Scan barcodes with your device camera for blazing-fast search and quicker results.

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Track Serial Numbers
Manage Lots

Manage Lots

Batched items can be easily managed with A1ERP integrated inventory — maintain manufacturing dates and expiration dates, analyze item expirations, and so on. You can also set up automatic batch naming so that all your team has to worry about is procurements and sales, not maintaining batch IDs.

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Multi-Channel Sales

Be it Shopify, WooCommerce, or Amazon MWS, it's easy to integrate A1ERP items, customers, and sales orders with third-party sales apps. It just takes a 4-click configuration to make sales smoother and your life easier.

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Multi-Channel Sales
Elegant Print Formats

Elegant Print Formats

First impressions matter. Beautify your quotations and keep documents flawless and consistent with custom print format templates (using HTML or Jinja templating) and one-time configuration.

Powerful Marketing Tools

Our CRM tool makes your lead closure soar. Use email campaigns for targeted marketing, send bulk emails to your customers with beautiful newsletters, and reap the benefits of your campaigns with a granular analysis of lead sources.

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Powerful Marketing Tools

المجلات والمدفوعات

حافظ على دفتر أستاذ نظيف ونقي لتجنب حالات عدم التطابق عند إغلاق الحسابات. تتبع الإيرادات والمصروفات (المؤجلة أو المستحقة) ، وقم بإعداد إخطارات لإغلاق الفترة ، والتحكم في التدفق النقدي. يمكن تسجيل المدفوعات المقدمة وتسويتها دفعة واحدة.

Journals And Payments

Accounts Receivable

Track the balance that customers owe you towards the sales invoices you have already sent to them. You can import your existing accounts receivables details using the Opening Invoice Creation tool.

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Accounts Receivable
Customer Access

Customer Access

If you work with clients, you'll love A1ERP. Get everything on the record with your clients and your team. Using A1ERP, clients can not only view project status but also raise support issues, scan invoices billed, and so on. You can also use it for announcements as well! Give your customers a full-fledged, flawless experience while they await the delivery of your services.

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Unified, Tracked Emails

Avoid stranding important emails by syncing your email accounts in A1ERP. With a unified trail of all correspondence and auto-replies for incoming emails, you can count on smooth communication with all stakeholders (be it the internal project team members or external clients).

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Unified, Tracked Emails
Documents Storage

Documents Storage

Project documentation can be complex, so it's vital that everyone can access the files they need. A1ERP makes accessibility easy with built-in uploading and sharing for multimedia files (such as images, videos, and documents). You can choose to upload files directly or use a web link.

Stock Replenishment

To prevent stockouts, track an item's reorder level. When the stock level goes below the reorder level, A1ERP will automatically create a material request. This helps you replenish inventory at precisely the right time and reduce the chances of stock exhaustion.

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Stock Replenishment

المخططات الترويجية

تم تقديمه لتجار التجزئة والموزعين على نطاق واسع ، ولم تكن إدارة الخصومات أو الهوامش بناءً على السعر أو المبلغ أسهل من أي وقت مضى. باستخدام المخططات الترويجية ، يمكنك إدارة خصومات العناصر لأطراف أو شروط مختلفة. ستقوم المخططات الترويجية بتغيير قواعد التسعير المعمول بها تلقائيًا.

Promotional Schemes
Vendor Management

Vendor Management

A1ERP includes options to warn about RFQs & POs or prevent RFQs & POS. Your supplier's currency can be different from your company currency, and our software will handle all exchange rates and conversions.

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Supplier Portal

Use the supplier portal to help suppliers manage themselves. The suppliers can submit requests for quotations and automatic supplier quotations, or access ongoing purchase orders and receipts. Suppliers can also raise purchase invoices for fulfilled orders. You can then verify these invoices for final approval.

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Supplier Portal
Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable

See how much you owe your suppliers and track due dates or payment aging on the Accounts Payable report. Once you pay an invoice, just post a payment entry. You can even import all your existing invoices using the Opening Invoice Creation Tool.

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Automated Invoicing

Don't waste time sending renewal invoices every month. Use the Subscriptions feature to get invoices auto-generated for subscription orders.

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Automated Invoicing
Multi-Currency Sales

Multi-Currency Sales

Managing transactions in different currencies is simple with our online sales software. Send invoices and add expenses in any currency, and let the system convert them to your base currency. You can even see financial transactions and reports in multiple currencies.

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